
Terms and conditions

Terms & Conditions

DSM’s General Terms and Conditions of Sale?and Purchasing?(the “Conditions”) govern the offering, sale and delivery?respectively the purchasing?of all goods and/or services and apply to all transactions between DSM and its?customers?and/or suppliers.

The Conditions have been translated into?the languages most commonly used in?DSM’s?transactions. Kindly note that only the English version of these Conditions shall be authentic and shall prevail in case of inconsistency over any translation of these Conditions in another language.

Please choose your language below:

莒南县| 长治县| 神池县| 吴川市| 通河县| 育儿| 嘉荫县| 贵德县| 昌黎县| 泗水县| 遵义市| 闽侯县| 汽车| 大冶市| 社旗县| 灵川县| 南城县| 名山县| 葫芦岛市| 定兴县| 理塘县| 吉安市| 宜章县| 霞浦县| 乌什县| 孟连| 叶城县| 蓬安县| 平乡县| 临汾市| 拜泉县| 沈阳市| 新邵县| 奈曼旗| 曲沃县| 南岸区| 岳普湖县| 遂平县| 安达市| 佳木斯市| 册亨县|