
The global science-based company

About DSM

Health, Nutrition & Bioscience

From century-old roots as the Dutch State Mines, DSM has evolved into a purpose-led science-based global company specializing in solutions for human and animal health and nutrition. Our purpose is to create brighter lives for all – which is why we’re proud that our name has assumed a new meaning among our people in recent years: Doing Something Meaningful.

Our Purpose

Find out more about what we do and why we do it, as well as our scientific heritage and external recognition.


We fervently believe in doing business the right way, from our Managing and Supervisory Boards, to our Code of Business Conduct, to our positions on key industry issues.

Our Presence

With scientific research and development, manufacturing operations, and customer centers all around the world, we develop locally applicable solutions. Learn about our global presence, physical and digital.

Partnering with DSM

From human and animal health to specialty food ingredients, from medical devices to personal care solutions… our businesses are here to bring value to all stakeholders.

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