
Our Businesses

Care & Health

Care & Health

Our Care & Health Cluster comprises Personal Care, Aroma Ingredients & Fine Fragrances, Pharmaceutical Solutions and Biomedical Solutions. The Care & Health cluster is part of the Human Nutrition and Care business group.

Personal Care and Aroma Ingredients & Fine Fragrarences
Looking, feeling and smelling good is important for people everywhere, but health & beauty isn’t purely about the aesthetics. At DSM we serve the personal care, home care and fine fragrance markets with aroma ingredients, vitamins and natural bio-actives, as well as UV filters, peptides and polymers. In the process we’re tackling some major societal challenges that range from supporting an aging population to safeguarding people against threats like air pollution and skin cancer.

Pharmaceutical Solutions
As a global leader in vitamin and lipid manufacturing, DSM leverages its active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) offerings as proven, safe, and innovative agents for life-changing therapies. We draw on our unique skills in chemical synthesis and biotechnology to ensure all products meet strict sustainability standards.?

Biomedical Solutions
We’re the world’s leader in biomedical solutions, trusted by our partners to shape the future of biomedical materials and regenerative medical devices. With over 30 years of experience, we offer the broadest portfolio of advanced healing solutions and expertise focused on enhancing patient outcomes. Our devices and materials are used by medical device and pharmaceutical companies developing products to meet real needs of patients - from treating an aging population to caring for a more active one; and all while enabling safer, faster, and less invasive medical procedures.?

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